Monday, October 12, 2009

Reality Check

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come"
2 Timothy 3:1

Check that one off the list.

Yesterday I realized just how bad the world has gotten. Roman Polanski, famous director, having plead guilty to having inappropriate relations with a 13 year old girl, had over 100 famous directors(signing a petition) supporting immediate release being held on charges of rape.

David Letterman having cheated on his wife, had higher than ever ratings, which obviously is good for the company.

Mike Sanford of South Carolina has also cheated on his wife, with a mistress in Argentina, who also refuses to resign.

These are not isolated cases. This is happening frequently.

Bankruptcy and consumer debt, which has skyrocketed, is the epitome of the greed that has overwhelmed our society, and without any strongly negative result of bankruptcy(Chapter 11, Chapter 9) people will keep on doing it. This also entails the lack of self sufficiency that is overly dominant in our society.

Meanwhile, the right to kill an unborn child is protected in our society.

Alcoholism and illegal drug use are rapidly expanding also inducing much more violence, hate crimes, drunk drivers and drug traffic.

Meanwhile, the right to kill an unborn child is protected in our society.

With all these horrific aspects of society crashing down around us, mostly world wide, it is ironic the only way to fix them is to change the individual(one at time), to change their heart.

How do we change an individuals' heart?

Where do they grow, learn, sleep, eat, talk, listen, learn, watch people the most?

In the home, in the family

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and it's teachings on the family is the only thing that can really save the world. We've been told for some time that
"the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." The war on the family is more obvious than ever. We have been called hateful, intolerant, and un-American for our views on gay marriage.
We know strong nuclear families is the best place for a child to grow up in and no child should be denied the right of being born in a good home.
Personally, I find much joy in life, and all it's because of my family and all they do for me.

If you think about it almost everything that is wrong in world would be fixed if people lived the standards put forth by the gospel.
Corruption, Dishonesty-gone. World hunger-gone. Wars- gone. Economic recessions due to greed-gone. People filing for bankruptcy because they didn't stay out of debt- gone.

While we can't plan on everyone embracing the gospel anytime soon-we should embrace it personally. It teaches what is important(see video "What is Important"). People look far and wide, up and down, but after the test of time the only people who are there for you always is your family. There are the one that will help you feel joy more than anything else, after all that's why we are here, isn't it?

Monday, October 5, 2009

More like Health I don't Care!

Who wants universal health care?

I do, I do!

Who doesn't ever want to have to worry about money or their company failing?

I do, I do!

Alas, we are in a imperfect world and can't have everything we hope for. I wish that everyone could live without worry, that there would be no terrible consequences like war, death, and famine.
And yet if we tried to do that we would be taking away the very reason why we are here on earth.
To learn. To grow, to fall and get back up. That is why we are here.

What would happen if you try to protect every American(or American company) who didn't spend their money wisely and gave them the money they had lost on some terrible investment?

Yet that is exactly what the government is trying to do. The current administration has gone all out to save every company, and save every person who has health care.
Don't get me wrong, I blame George W. Bush just as much as Barack Obama for our problems. After all many have forgotten that the "bail-out" was indeed his idea.
(click to see Bush's Speech On the BailOut)

I compare the economy to a sick person with food poisoning. The body does what it should by vomiting the infected for and ridding itself of the poison. Yet the government has tried to stop it because "throwing-up" would just hurt us too much. Yet by keeping it down you will only make it worse when it tries to come up. And make no doubt about it, it will come up.

The recession isn't over, merely put off(and worsened). When it comes around again and China isn't willing to led us trillions what will we do then?