Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Worst Generation

Author's Note:  I have thought many weeks on gay marriage and trying to decide and articulate how I feel.  After weeks this is what I came up with-  A letter of apology to the future children of this world.

Dear Unborn Child,

Wherever you are in the world, I am sorry humanity has failed you.

I suppose it is the natural man to be more concerned about the "here and now" so you usually aren't the first thing on people's mind.  I am afraid you usually are the last.

I am sorry that 30 years ago nine people decided you had no rights, as a result of where you were in relation to your mother's body.  Such an approach over-simplifies the complex issue of life.  I am sorry that somehow the privacy of an e-mail or telephone call is still subject to debate, yet the "right to privacy", as it affects you is not.  Time and again, you are put last.  For this I am sorry.

I am sorry that another right given to us puts you in danger.  I am sorry that the "right to drink" while conceiving, carrying, or raising a child is protected while your lifelong health, a side effect of these choices is not.  It seems this is another choice we have made as Americans to put you last.

It sickens me to say that animals, in the wild or domestic, have more protection under the law than you.

It sickens me that murderers on death row have more rights than you.

I am sorry that we are currently spending well beyond our means for our own comfort at your expense.  I am sorry those in power and voters haven't cared about this for quite some time.  I am sorry the debate about spending your money always degrade into childish arguments like "your guy spent just as much!"  We have pushed our credit limits and have expected you to pick up the tab. We have literally stolen from you.  We should be ashamed of ourselves for this alone.

Now, Unborn Child, It has been said many times, I will be on the "wrong side of history" of a pressing issue.  It is what I wanted to write to you about today.  If I am wrong about it I hope you will forgive me.  I want you to understand why.

On the off chance that your Mom and Dad are unable to raise you, someone will have to raise you.  I am sorry again, if it is decided that your life is deemed "too much a burden" and you never get this far, and someone who would've wanted you won't get this amazing chance.

Whether or not someone is allowed to raise you is my concern.

I am sorry that you seem to be nowhere near the center of focus for this debate.  I am sorry things like tax breaks, health benefits and hospital visitation rights are mentioned before or in the same breath as your welfare.  Indeed, those things seem so trivial now.  I am sorry that we are so concerned about our own views and rights, we don't think of your's often.

I am sorry if there are unintended consequences of changing the law.  Because it may be deemed a right "any two people who love each other can marry and raise children", that this exact thing may happen.  People who are related, may recklessly, yet condoned by the law, reproduce, causing you to be born with defects.  I am sorry if me saying that is extreme.  If the choice comes down between their rights and your health, history has taught me, you won't win.

I am sorry the phrase "equal protection under the law" applies to everyone, anyone, but you.  

I am sorry, but I need to be sure about this.  It seems to me that it would be very hard to prove that being raised by two parents of the same gender is in every way equal, or as good as, being raised by two opposite gender parents.  But this is what I want.  I need undeniable, long-term proof, that this is true.  Indeed, it would be interesting if Mother Nature had it wrong all this time.  I am sorry any couple that might pro-create may not be committed to giving you the best chance.  Yet is sadly laughable a couple would be forced to have your best interest at heart.  Again, I am sorry you are always put last.

It is has been said the generation that fought in World War II was the "Greatest Generation".  They fought for our freedom.  Some died for us.  Up until recently examples are plentiful in history, of people sacrificing for their descendants, for us.  I am sorry our current generation's priorities seem to be with celebrities and social media.  It seems almost all of what we care about is self serving.  It may be said in many years that we were the "me first generation" or the "I want it now generation" or I fear the "Worst Generation", a damning title, yet truly deserved.  Never before has anyone taken so much, and given so little to future generations.

I can not help but think of you and not also think of my own one year old daughter. She was in your place not too long ago.  The idea of nine people so far away from me deciding her fate for good or ill bothers me.  This is why I worry.  Indeed it is sad irony that you are treated as an afterthought by humanity when your success is humanity's success.  I am sorry if I don't trust the "Worst Generation" on this one.  There call has always seemed more about them and less about you.

To paraphrase a quote I once heard -

“Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that [your] liberties and wealth are in jeopardy.”

So, if and when, gay marriage comes about and is decided to be equal, I pray it can also be said(and you will understand why) that we gave it more than a passing thought on whether or not it was equal for you.

Daniel King

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